Civic Center Avenue
- Designed to provide a social gathering place for light refreshments and caterings before/after meetings, events, and art shows
- 3,265 square feet
Usage Rates
- $70.00 per hour for public service use
- 2 hour minimum
- Rates apply on:
- Sundays
- City-recognized holidays
- Before 8:00 AM on weekdays
- Before 11 AM on Saturdays
- After 5:00 PM
- At least one City employee will be available to open the facility, stay on duty during the period of use, and close the facility
Additional Event Requirements
These must be submitted to the Executive Secretary:
These must be submitted to the Executive Secretary:
- Certificate of Liability naming the City of Moses Lake as an additional insured for $1,000,000.00 per occurrence
- Endorsement to the Policy
If you are interested in one of our facilities, please email your request to:
Sophia Guerrero, Executive Secretary, City of Moses Lake